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Safety & Wellness

How to protect yourself and others from COVID-19

November 10, 2021

If you care for someone suffering from COVID-19 at home or in a non-healthcare environment, you should follow these guidelines to safeguard yourself and your loved ones.


What are the precautions for a COVID-19 patient at home?

As soon as a person starts showing COVID-19 symptoms, they should search for the nearest COVID-19 centre. You can also contact Lupin Diagnostics for safe home sample collection for Covid Tests.

After getting the COVID-19 test report positive, the affected member should isolate themselves from the remaining members. All household members who have come in contact with the COVID 19 positive member should get themselves tested for Covid 19 or watch for symptoms. They should wash their hands frequently with soap and water or use an alcohol-based sanitiser. They should try to motivate the patient and give them positive vibes.


What protocol should one follow at home?

  • Wash the sick person’s bedsheet, clothes, and utensils with detergent at the maximum temperature. They should always wear gloves and a mask while handling it.
  • The patient must wear double masks always, and the family should also do the same while interacting with the COVID-19 struck.
  • They should make sure the house is well ventilated and sanitised with potent agents like hypochlorite formula.
  • Frequent monitoring of blood pressure, oxygen saturation, and body temperature of the patient and family members are required.
  • If oxygen levels fall below 92, the person needs to rush to the nearest hospital. Always listen to the treating doctor and do as they say.
  • One should not consume any medication by themselves but instead consult a doctor. Maintaining social distance between members is the key to preventing the spread of the virus.
  • The person affected needs to be isolated away from the rest of the members.
  • A strong and optimistic mindset is the essential thing to maintain.
  • The willpower needs to be strong.
  • Also, when a household gets affected by COVID-19, as a responsible citizen, they should first isolate themselves in-home or covid centres as advised by their doctor, inform the RWAs, get in touch with government helplines and update their Arogya Setu App.


Thanks to the advancement in medicine, many COVID-19 vaccines are now available, and they give us a good immunity boost and reduce the chance of infection.


What precautions should one take in COVID-19?

The Coronavirus precautions apply to one and all.

What should one do to ensure that the infection doesn’t spread?

  • The social distance of about six feet
  • proper wearing of the masks
  • avoiding stepping out until necessary
  • frequent washing of the hands with soap or alcohol-based sanitisers
  • a positive mindset and an assertive attitude

COVID-19 does not discriminate and can affect each one of us!

Always remember, in these COVID-19 times, we are not just responsible for our health; it is our social duty to be safe and keep other people safe by being cautious and vigilant.

It is a collective fight.


Stay safe.

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